Two sided material in Blender

Hello, in this article you will learn about two sided material in Blender.

Let’s start with simple colors.

Applying the colors

Step: 1 – Delete one face of the default cube. Add a material.

Step: 2 – Go to the ‘Shader Editor’. Add the ‘Mix Shader’ node and connect to the ‘Surface’ of the ‘Material Output’. Add two ‘Principled BSDF’ nodes. Connect the ‘Principled BSDF’ nodes to the ‘Mix Shader’ node as shown in the below image. Add the ‘Geometry’ node, and connect the ‘Backfacing’ of ‘Geometry’ node to the ‘Fac’ of the ‘Mix Shader’ node as shown in the below image. Change the ‘Base Color’ of both ‘Principled BSDF’.

Step: 3 – Go to the ‘Material Preview’ mode. Two colors are applied to both sides of (inside and outside) the cube.

Applying the images

Let’s see how to apply the images to both sides of (inside and outside) the cube.
Note: You must unwrap the UVs of the object before applying the images.
Step: 1 – Select the ‘Principled BSDF’. Add images to the ‘Principled BSDF’. If you don’t know how to apply images, no problem you can learn by reading this article: How to apply images to material

Step: 2 – Select another ‘Principled BSDF’. Add images to the ‘Principled BSDF’.

Step: 3 – Go to the ‘3D View’ to check the material.

Both metal images are applied to both sides (inside and outside) of the cube.

Render Output

For basic render settings: Click here

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