Glass Shader in Blender
Hello, In this article you will learn basic ‘Glass Shader in Blender’. Only using a few nodes, we can bring a glass look to the object in Blender.
Note: This glass shader works on ‘Cycles’ only.
Let’s start..
Step: 1 – Take a cube, and apply a material. Click on the ‘Material Preview’ mode.

Step: 2 – Go to the ‘Shader Editor’. Delete the ‘Principled BSDF’ node. Add the ‘Mix Shader’ node. Connect the ‘Shader’ of the ‘Mix Shader’ node to the ‘Surface’ of the ‘Material Output’ node.

Step: 3 –
Add the ‘Fresnel’ node. Connect the ‘Fac’ of the ‘Fresnel’ node to the ‘Fac’ of the ‘Mix Shader’ node.
Add the ‘Refraction BSDF’ node. Connect the ‘BSDF’ of the ‘Refraction’ node to the above ‘Shader’ of the ‘Mix Shader’ as shown in the image.
Add the ‘Glass BSDF’ node. Connect the ‘BSDF’ of the ‘Glass BSDF’ node to the below ‘Shader’ of the ‘Mix Shader’ as shown in the image.

Step: 4 – Go to the 3D view. Click on the ‘Render Preview’ mode. I used some basic render settings to check the glass shader. If you want to set how I set, you can read this article for basic render settings: Click here
Or you can use your render settings. It depends on you. But remember, you should use cycles render only.

Go to the ‘Render Properties’. In the ‘Film’, uncheck the ‘Transparent’ to see the environment look through the glass shader.

Step: 5 – Still the cube doesn’t have glass look because the cube doesn’t have thickness. So thickness has to be added. Go to the ‘Modifier Properties’. Add the ‘Solidify’ modifier to the cube. Change the ‘Thickness’ value. And tick to the ‘Even Thickness’ as shown in the below image.

Sphere and plane are added to the scene to check the glass shader of the cube.

Render Output

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