How to apply images in Blender

Hello Blender users. In this article, I am going to teach you how to apply the images in Blender. There are three ways to apply the images to the material.

You must remember before applying the images you must unwrap the UVs of the model. Then only the images will be applied to the Object. Here I am using the default ‘Cube’ with unwrapped UVs.

Method: 1

In this method..

Step: 1 – Go to the ‘Material Properties. Add the ‘Principled BSDF’ to the object.

Step: 2 – Drag and drop the images from the folder (where they are saved) to the ‘Shader Editor’.

I have downloaded these images from the website:
I have color, ambient, roughness, and normal images.

Step: 3 – Let’s see how to connect these images to the material.

If you have only a color image you can directly connect this image to the ‘Base Color’ as shown in the below image.

If you have the ‘Ambient Occlusion’, you have to multiply this with the ‘Base Color’. Click the ‘Shift+A’, search for ‘Mix Color’ node, and add for multiplying the ‘Base Color’ and the ‘Ambient Occlusion’. Connect the nodes as shown in the below image. And, in the ‘Mix Color’ node select the ‘Multiply’ in the ‘Blend mode’.

Connect the ‘Color’ of the ‘Roughness’  image to the ‘Roughness’ and in the ‘Color Space’, select the ‘Non-Color’ as shown in the below image.

Connect the ‘Color’ of the ‘Normal’ image to the ‘Normal Map’, connect the ‘Normal’ of the ‘Normal Map’ to the ‘Normal’ of ‘Principled BSDF’ and in the ‘Color Space’, select the ‘Non-Color’ as shown in the below image.

Now we successfully set up the textures to the material.

Step: 4 – Let’s check the images preview in the ‘Material Preview’ mode.

Nice. Images are applied to the object.

Method: 2

In the ‘Shader Editor’, click on the ‘Shift+A’, search for the ‘Image Texture’ and add.

Click on the ‘Open’, and select the images from the folder. Do this same to create all images. Connect the images as said in the ‘Method 1’.

Method: 3

This is a very easy method. We need not follow all the steps which are said ‘Method: 1 and 2’. Blender has a default ‘Add-on’ to add the image textures.

Step: 1 – Go to the ‘Edit’. In the ‘Preferences’, click on the ‘Add-ons’. Search for ‘Node Wrangler’. Tick to the ‘Node Wrangler’ add-on. Click on the ‘Save Preferences’.

Step: 2 – Go to the ‘Shader Editor’, select the ‘Principled BSDF’. Click on the ‘Ctrl+Shif+T’. Select the image textures, and click on the ‘Principled Texture Setup’.

Images are set up to the material automatically. This is a quick method to apply the images to the material.

Render Output

For render settings, go through this article: click here

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