Wooden Wall Clock | 3D | Modeling | Texturing | Rendering | Blender

Wooden wall clock modeling

Step-1. Click ‘Shift+A’. Add a circle.

Step-2. Select these vertices randomly.

Step-3. Scale them inside a little.

Step-4. Select all vertices.

Step-5. By clicking ‘E’, extrude them inside.

Step-6. Select outside vertices.

Step-7. Extrude them on the z-axis.

Step-8. Again extrude them to the inside.

Step-9. Select these two edge loops and bevel them.

Step-10. Select these faces, go to material properties, click on ‘+’, add new material and change name to bark. Then click on ‘Assign’.

Step-11. Click ‘Ctrl+I’, go to material properties, click on ‘+’, add new material and change name to trunk. Then click on ‘Assign’.

Step-12. Go to ‘Edit’, in ‘Preferences’ click on the ‘Add-ons’, Search for ‘node’, tick to ‘Node Wrangler’. Click on three lines, and then click on the ‘Save Preferences’.

Step-13. Go to the ‘Shader Editor’, click on bark material, Select the ‘Principled BSDF’.  Click  the ‘Ctrl+Shift+T’.

Step-14. I used the bark texture from this website: https://ambientcg.com/list?category=&date=&createdUsing=&basedOn=&q=bark&method=&type=&sort=Popular

Select all textures, click on ‘Principled Texture Setup’. Textures are applied to the material.

Step-15. Go to the ‘World Properties’, select the ‘Environment Texture’.

Step-16. Click on the ‘Open’.

Step-17. I used Blender software’s default ‘forest HDRI’. Blender HDRI images will be found in your installation folder: Windows – C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender (version)\(version)\datafiles\studiolights\world

Select HDRI which you want, then click on open image.

Step-18. Click on ‘trunk’ material. Go to ‘Shader Editor’, click on the ‘Shift+A’, search for ‘Image Texture’ and add and open image from the folder then add image color to ‘Base Color’ as shown in the image. I downloaded trunk image from https://pixabay.com website. If you want to use your selected trunk image You can add to ‘Image Texture’.

Step-19. Select these edge loops as shown in the image. Click right mouse button and click on the ‘Mark Seam’. Open UV Editor, open trunk image as show in the image.

Step-20. In the ‘Edit Mode’, deselect all. Go to the ‘Material Properties’. Select the ‘ trunk’ material. Click on the ‘Select’. Then the top and bottom faces are selected. Now click on ‘U’ key. Click on the ‘Unwrap’.

Step-21. Adjust the UV on the trunk shape as shown in the image.

Step-22. Deselect all the faces. Go to the ‘Material Properties’. Select the ‘bark’ material. Click on the ‘ Select’. The faces are selected.

Step-23. Now click on ‘U’ key. Click on the ‘Unwrap’.

Step-24. In the ‘Shader Editor’, change the ‘Scale’ value from one to three.

Render settings

Step-25. Go to the ‘Render Properties’. Select the ‘Cycles’ in the ‘Render Engine’. Select the ‘GPU’ in the ‘Device’. In the ‘Render’, you can change the ‘Maximum Samples’ according to your system configuration.

Step-26. In the ‘Film’, tick to the ‘Transparent’. This is used when you want the ‘PNG’ format. Now go to the ‘Color Management’. Select the ‘Filmic’ in the ‘View Transform’. And Select the ‘Very High Contrast’ in the ‘Look’.

Remaining parts modeling

Step-27. Click the ‘Shift+A’, add the ‘Cube’ to the scene from the ‘Mesh’.

Step-28. In the ‘Edit Mode’, decrease the ‘Cube’ size.

Step-29. From the side view, scale the ‘Cube’ on the z-axis.

Step-30. Set the cube on the surface of the clock part.

Step-31. Select the four vertices of the right side in x-ray mode. Move on the x-axis. Scale them on the y-axis. The minute hand modeling is done.

Step-32. Duplicate the minute hand to do hour hand and place on the first minute hand.

Step-33. Now select the below minute hand. In the ‘Edit Mode’ select the right side vertices in x-ray mode, move on the x-axis and decrease the size.

Step-34. Rotate the minute hand a little.

Step-35.  Click the ‘Shift+A’, add the ‘Sphere’ to the scene from the ‘Mesh’.

Step-36. Change the values as shown in the image.

Step-37. The side view.

Step-38. Select the faces as shown in the image and delete them.

Step-39. Remaining parts are modeled.

Step-40. Add a new material for three parts.

Step-41. Select all parts. In the ‘Edit Mode’, rotate them on the x-axis.

Step-42. Select the camera.

Step-43. Tick to the ‘Camera to View’.

Step-44. Set the camera view as you want.

Step-45. Click on the ‘Render Preview’. I changed the sphere, minute and hour hands color. If you want to change the minute and hour hands color you can.

Step-46. Go to the ‘Render’ menu. Click on the ‘Render Image’.

Step-47. The rendering is completed.

Render Output

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