Book shelf in Blub shape
Take a ‘Circle’ by clicking ‘Shift+A’. Change Vertices from 32 to 64.
Select all vertices and rotate on the y-axis.
Move on the z-axis.
Select these vertices and tick to ‘Proportional Editing’.
Move on the z-axis and bring to the bulb shape.
Untick to ‘Proportional Editing’. Select these vertices and scale them on the y-axis shown in the images.
Select the bottom vertices, and click on ‘S’. Then click ‘Z’ holding the ‘Shift’ key. The vertices curve becomes a straight line.
Duplicate this using ‘Shift+D’.
Change their names to Back and Frame. Hide the frame by clicking the ‘H’ key.
Select Back. Click ‘Ctrl+F’, and click on the ‘Grid Fill’.
Change the ‘Span’ and ‘offset’ values till get a good mesh.
Go to ‘Modifiers’, add the ‘Solidify’ modifier.
Increase the ‘Thickness’ value.
Unhide the frame by clicking the eye symbol. Select all vertices.
Extrude the vertices by clicking the ‘E’ key on the x-axis.
Select these vertices shown in the image, and duplicate them. Click on the ‘P’ key to separate the vertices.
Vertices are separated by the name of Frame.001.
Select the vertices both sides, and click the ‘F’ key to fill the gap with the face.
Note: Before using the ‘F’ key, you have to activate the default Blender ‘F2 add-on’. Go to ‘Edit’ menu, click ‘Preferences’, click ‘add-on’, search for ‘F2’ and Tick to F2 add-on.
Fill the gaps between the remaining vertices as shown in the image.
Add the ‘Solidify’ modifier to the objects. Increase the thickness.
There is a mesh problem. There are reverse faces.
To check the faces, Tick to ‘Face Orientation’.
Click the ‘Tab’ key. Select all vertices. Click the ‘Shift+N’ for ‘Recalculate Normals’
Untick to ‘Face Orientation’.
Add the ‘Bevel’ modifier.
Change the ‘Amount and Segments’ values in the ‘Bevel’ modifier. Click on the ‘Shade Smooth’.
Select the edges as shown in the image and move on the x-axis.
Add the ‘Bevel’ modifier. Change the ‘Amount and Segments’ values in the ‘Bevel’ modifier. Click on the ‘Shade Smooth’.
Add a plane. In ‘Edit Mode’, scale and select the edge which is behind the book shelf and ‘Extrude’ on the z-axis.
Lighting settings:
Click on the ‘Render Preview’. Go to the ‘World Properties’. Change the color from gray to white.
Render settings:
Go to the ‘Render Properties’. Select ‘Cycles’ in the ‘Render Engine’ and ‘GPU Compute’ in the Device.
Note: If you don’t have ‘GPU’, you can run on ‘CPU’.
In the ‘Render’, you can change the ‘Max Samples’. And tick to ‘Denoise’.
Go to the ‘Color Management’. Select the ‘Filmic’ in the ‘View Transform’ and ‘Very High Contrast’ in the ‘Look’.
Add the materials to the objects that you want.
Add the ‘Camera’. Click on the ‘0’ on ‘Numpad’ to see through the ‘Camera’.
Go to the ‘View’. In the ‘View Lock’, tick to the ‘Camera to View’. Adjust the scene in the camera view how you want.
Go to the ‘Render’ menu, click on the ‘Render Image’. After rendering is completed and save the image where you want.
Final Output:
Some books are added to the scene.
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Very nice. Thanks for sharing