Hello Blender users.
This article is about ‘how to use displacement map’. You must remember that the displacement map works on the ‘Cycles Render’. In this article, you will learn how to use the displacement map in very easy steps.
Step: 1 Take plane. Unwrap the plane. Add a material to the plane.

Step: 2 Apply the textures. To learn how to apply the textures, go through ‘Method-3’ in this article : Click here
Go to the ‘Edit’, in the ‘Preferences’, select the ‘Add-ons’, Search for the ‘Node Wrangler. Tick to ‘Node Wrangler’ add-on. Save the ‘Preferences’.
Then, go to the ‘Shader Editor’. Select the ‘Principled BSDF’. Click the ‘Ctrl+Shift+T’. Select the textures (this textures are downloaded from this https://ambientcg.com/), and click on the ‘Principled Texture Setup’.

Textures are applied to the material.

Step: 3 – Go to the ‘Material Properties’. In ‘Settings’, select ‘Displacement and Bump’ in the ‘Displacement’ in the ‘Surface’.

Step: 4 – Select the plane. Go to the ‘Modifier Properties’. Add ‘Subdivision Surface’. Click the ‘Simple’.

Step: 5 – Go to the ‘Render Properties’. Select the ‘Cycles’ in the ‘Render Engine’. Select the ‘Experimental’ in the ‘Feature Set’. Select the ‘GPU Compute’ in the Device.

Step: 6 – Select the plane. Go to the ‘Modifier Properties’. Tick to ‘Adaptive Subdivision’.

Step: 7 – Click the ‘Render Preview’.

Step: 8 – Go to the ‘Shader Editor’. Adjust the scale value in the ‘Displacement’ node.

Render Output

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