Padmasri How to keep away mosquitoes? What to do to avoid fevers like dengue, malaria, chikungunya etc. Now a days,…
In this modern world, the human beings’ lifestyle is adapting from time to time. Along with it responsibilities and wants…
We see water drops being on outer surface on objects like tumblers, vessels et cetera. It seems to be very…
The small things are not negligible things. Everyone has to be aware of them, so that you can’t face or…
This article is for them who have not known about why the sand is used in constructions. If you are…
On earth, living beings are there because of the bacteria. If they had not been born on earth, all living…
The reasons for sneezing are in brief. We see people sneezing around us and we also sneeze. Actually there are…
Tetanus: We hear people talking that the Tetanus is dangerous infection until the Tetanus vaccine should be taken. It may…
Padmasri Where is Ultraviolet radiation present? These rays are present in sunlight. When it becomes as moot point, there raises…
What is the passport? Passport is a permission document to go from one country to another country or come to…