Before I met you, There is no life In me. I started breathing The moment I saw you. Your presence…
Sometimes, when I am lucky You will come into my dreams. I will have such an exhilarating…
When I am desperately lonely, When I am devoid of any energy To prolong this life, When I…
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom, Neeha burst into the room, With a bunch of roses. I hugged her, taking them. ‘Thank…
Someday, very soon I had to bid Farewell to this place. Time will…
When I am blocked on your Doorway, I felt humiliated, helpless. But obliged, as I have No other option. I…
– Sesi Saradi We all cherish memories of going to the movies. Movies naturally reflect our changing styles, tastes, ideas…
Sesi Saradi In your death, you are Immortalized. For generations to come, You will always be remembered As the KING…
Kamisetti Chandramouli Between the crossed brows Lies the feeling that no one knows Malice with a devilish smile Breaks the…
Sesi Saradi When days turned into weeks, And weeks into months, I reconciled myself To the fact that, Now I…