Why Am I Not able to Read? How to Get concentration?

Why Am I Not able to Read? How to Get concentration?

Having tried a lot to study, are you unable to study or read? Reasons for unable and not getting concentration to read might be many. While reading if other thoughts are coming to you, it means you are not able to put your concentration on reading.

My simple suggestions to get concentration on reading:

  • Avoiding
  • Focusing
  • Controlling yourself

Avoiding: While you are reading your concentration or mind is once attracted to watch T.V. or any else, then you will not read or put the concentration on studies. Because once mind is diverted to something, it is difficult to bring the mind to normal state for some persons. Hence, this should be strongly avoided. I have written below about how to avoid it.

How to avoid?

  1. When you study, turn off Television and if any others turn on, switch them off.
  2. Outside of your room if other person or one of your family members is watching Television in living room, lock your door, so that you don’t hear it.
  3.  Say not to disturb who always makes you disturb.

How to avoid for not to be attracted to other things when I read?

If a person tries to do for something strongly, they can do that successfully without any interruptions. So, where is a strong desire, everything is possible there.

To avoid these, you should think within strongly that…

  • “I should read, I should read and I should read”. If you think like this within you, you will definitely get concentration to read and you will not get disturb.



Focusing on studies is being out of the question for some students. To focus on their studies they should do these.

How to focus on studies?

Focusing is not hard if you try well.

  • I suggest you not to think about other things which divert your mind while reading.
  • Keep mobile phone at your arm’s length, so that you won’t get disturb of new messages and calls.
  • Select a place which makes you pleasant, so that your mind will be pleasant. If the mind will be pleasant, you will get concentration to focus on your study.
  • Set a time table, so that you can read your subjects in an order.

If setting time table is out of the question, you should have at least an aim. According to me every student must have an aim. By putting an aim for your studies, you will get concentration definitely on your studies. Therefore, you will not only read, but will not get disturb also despite other attracting things pulling your legs.


Control yourself:

There may be difficulty in controlling themselves for some people. A person can do anything when he or she gets control on themselves. Controlling yourself depends on your trials how you try to get control on yourself.

You, while reading, in spite of being many interesting things in front which diverts mind, should focus on only your subject books. At that time only you will get control on you.


A good medicine to get control on you and for concentration:

When you don’t get concentration on something and you are disturb, at that time if you do meditation, your mind will become pleasant, and moreover, your concentration and everything will come to your control.

If you are interested in meditation, try it after learning meditation.


  1. While reading, sit properly or read in your style.
  2. Read in a special room or where the place is silent.
  3. Read opposite to the light, so that you can read very well in the light.
  4. Make around of your environment conveniently to you.
  5. If your mind accepts what you read while listening to music only, then play the music.